
After the adventure of The Sentinel the group returned to The City of Greyhawk to celebrate a mostly successful conclusion. Raven in particular, rather pleased with himself since he had acquired the eponymous item and is now the proud wielder of the magical glove.

In Greyhawk City the party will encounter the adventure of
Bladestar, written by Louis Prosperi and published as part of the Treasures of Greyhawk collection originally in 1992 in support of TSR's ongoing development of The World of Greyhawk as an official AD&D 2nd edition setting. The plot hook of the secret message intercepted by the party in the denoument is the signpost to the next series of adventures when the party will explore Sean K Reynold's fascinating Star Cairns which will be the core of the campaign adventures run by me in the next few years but until I manage to reconstruct the message from the depths of the RPG Files we continue with the detective mystery set in the streets and alleys of Greyhawk City… Bladestar.


Simon as Andrea
Andy as Astra
Malcolm as Hemegretham
Dave as Alvin
Karim as Raven
Alex as Zeppo

Brian Parker, February 2023